Advanced Women's Health Specialists
You will have scheduled visits every four weeks until 28 weeks, every two weeks until 36 weeks, and then once a week until you are delivered. This schedule may vary depending on your particular pregnancy needs. At every visit, your blood pressure, weight, urine, and baby’s heartbeat will be checked. After 20 weeks the fundal height (top of your uterus) will be measured to assure adequate fetal growth. Tests may be repeated or added depending on the need of each pregnancy.
First Visit
First Visit
Personal interview with Dr. Todd.
Complete physical exam, including pelvic exam if not performed recently.
Pap smear if not performed recently.
Prescription for prenatal vitamins.
Routine prenatal lab work:
Complete Blood Count
Hepatitis B Antibody
Blood type, Rh factor, Antibody screen
HIV Antibody
Gonorrhea Culture
Chlamydia Culture
Syphilis Antibody
Urine Culture
The first trimester ultrasound will be scheduled.
First trimester ultrasound
10-12 weeks
8-12 weeks
First trimester genetic screening for Down’s Syndrome, Trisomy 13 and 18, Cystic Fibrosis and Sickle Cell Anemia will be offered. This will require a blood draw and an ultrasound, depending on the test desired.
16 weeks
Optional early gender identification ultrasound. This is not covered by insurance. The cost is $50.
15-20 weeks
15-20 weeks
Second trimester genetic screening for open spinal defects, Down’s syndrome, Trisomy 13 and 18 (if not already performed) will be offered.
20 weeks
20 weeks
An ultrasound will be done to evaluate fetal growth and anatomy. Gender will be disclosed if desired.
26-28 weeks
26-28 weeks
One hour glucose test to screen for Gestational Diabetes.
If your one hour glucose test is not normal, you will be scheduled for a FASTING three hour glucose test.
Complete Blood Count
If you have an Rh negative blood type, you will receive a Rhogam injection.
35-37 weeks
35-37 weeks
Group B Strep Culture
Third trimester HIV Antibody
Vaginal exam to check for dilatation and cervical thinning.
An ultrasound will be done to assure adequate fetal growth.
38-41 weeks
38-41 weeks
Vaginal exam to check for dilatation and cervical thinning.
Additional Information
- We encourage anyone who smokes to quit for your health and your baby’s.
- Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day.
- If you are experiencing nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy, eat small frequent meals consisting of bland and dry foods, such as, toast, soup, crackers, etc. Nausea and vomiting usually resolves around 12-16 weeks.
- Walking and swimming are good sources of exercise.
- Please refer to the Medications List (located in the Patient Information Forms tab) for over-the-counter medicines which are safe to use during pregnancy.
- Feel free to ask the doctor any questions during your office visit.
- Please call the office, during office hours, with any additional questions.
Please restrict calls after hours for emergencies only.
In case of emergency, call 911. For urgent after hour needs, call the office at (423) 777-4579 and the answering service will contact the doctor on call.
- Vomiting for more than 24 hours and unable to hold ANY fluids down.
- Fever of 101.0 or higher after using Tylenol.
- Gushing or leaking a large amount of fluid from your vagina.
- STRONG REGULAR contractions before your 36 week of pregnancy.
- Frequent, painful urination.
- Severe abdominal pain not relieved by bowel movement, rest, warm bath, and 3 8oz glasses of water.
- SEVERE HEADACHE or headache associated with blurred vision not relieved with Tylenol.
- NO fetal movement after the 24 week.